Present Perfect Simple

Imagem destaque da página Interrogative<br><small>Present Perfect Simple</small>
  1. 1) she as a nurse in this hospital since last year? (to work)
  2. 2) Ashley for the job? (to apply)
  3. 3) you any side effects from the medication? (to experience)
  4. 4) Martin a sports car before? (to drive)
  5. 5) we any progress? (to make)
  6. 6) Brian his new colleagues? (to meet)
  7. 7) the new software productivity? (to enhance)
  8. 8) your kids in the ocean this summer? (to swim)
  9. 9) the bus yet? (to arrive)
  10. 10) the sun ? (to rise)
  11. 11) the company its quarterly earnings? (to announce)
  12. 12) you ever the rain? (to see)
  13. 13) the meeting yet? (to start)
  14. 14) they a new leader? (to choose)
  15. 15) Charles the competition? (to win)
  16. 16) the event a large audience? (to attract)
  17. 17) the team their performance this season? (to improve)
  18. 18) the weather recently? (to change)
  19. 19) the participants feedback on the workshop? (to provide)
  20. 20) you the issue with your account? (to resolve)
  21. 21) the organization its operations internationally? (to expand)
  22. 22) they for the airport? (to leave)
  23. 23) the artist the new mural? (to complete)
  24. 24) Jill on vacation this year? (to go)
  25. 25) the cat the mouse? (to catch)
  26. 26) they the customer's concerns? (to address)
  27. 27) Andrew and Richard their driving tests? (to take)
  28. 28) Stephanie the news yet? (to hear)
  29. 29) he ever sushi? (to eat)
  30. 30) you the groceries? (to buy)
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