Present Progressive

Imagem destaque da página Affirmative<br><small>Present Progressive</small>
  1. 1) My colleagues on a new project. (to work)
  2. 2) I am scared because the lights . (to flicker)
  3. 3) The cat on my bed now. (to sleep)
  4. 4) We to Greece next week. (to travel)
  5. 5) John basketball. (to play)
  6. 6) Joana and her friends to the park. (to head)
  7. 7) Pay Attention! Josh something important! (to say)
  8. 8) My friends and I at that new café next Saturday. (to meet)
  9. 9) The students for the school bus now. (to wait)
  10. 10) The kids a very nice movie right now. (to watch)
  11. 11) They a new bridge over the river. (to build)
  12. 12) They because it is very quiet in here. (to whisper)
  13. 13) My family in a very luxurious hotel in Paris. (to stay)
  14. 14) The girls pictures and the boys the book. (to draw - to color)
  15. 15) The managers a new idea for the new project. (to discuss)
  16. 16) I because I'm happy with the news. (to smile)
  17. 17) I have to answer the phone. Someone me. (to call)
  18. 18) The teacher in front of his students. (to stand)
  19. 19) Masha a very interesting novel at the moment. (to read)
  20. 20) The dogs . (to bark)
  21. 21) I to the gym this afternoon. (to go)
  22. 22) My neighbors pasta for us tonight. (to cook)
  23. 23) The employees fast because they are in a hurry. (to type)
  24. 24) The boys at that mean guy. (to laugh)
  25. 25) My brother and my sister for the science test now. (to study)
  26. 26) The new chef delicious meals for the guests. (to prepare)
  27. 27) The bride a very fancy wedding dress. (to wear)
  28. 28) Susan because she is thirsty. (to cry)
  29. 29) I can't talk now. I about my plans for next year. (to think)
  30. 30) The musicians at a jazz club next month. (to play)
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