Present Simple with the verb to be

Imagem destaque da página Affirmative<br><small>Present Simple with the verb to be</small>
  1. 1) She a teacher.
  2. 2) My cousin a cashier in this supermarket.
  3. 3) Paul and Simon musicians.
  4. 4) George and I at the grocery store now.
  5. 5) Jude and Liam very disappointed with the new book.
  6. 6) They both from Scotland.
  7. 7) The employees on vacation at the moment.
  8. 8) You and your husband very kind.
  9. 9) She tired.
  10. 10) My brother and I late for dinner.
  11. 11) It a cloudy day.
  12. 12) It a sunny day.
  13. 13) Tom a very good student.
  14. 14) We ready to travel to Finland.
  15. 15) Fred a huge cat.
  16. 16) My son and my daughter thirsty.
  17. 17) You my best friend.
  18. 18) He at home.
  19. 19) Janet very smart.
  20. 20) James and Sara doctors in this hospital.
  21. 21) Sandra at school now.
  22. 22) Josh and his daughter good friends.
  23. 23) Kate and William afraid of snakes.
  24. 24) We lawyers.
  25. 25) Noah and Jack in the same class.
  26. 26) We students.
  27. 27) Thomas a very talkative person.
  28. 28) My boss in a meeting now.
  29. 29) I Norwegian.
  30. 30) The Johnsons our neighbours.
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