Present Simple with the verb to be

Imagem destaque da página Negative<br><small>Present Simple with the verb to be</small>
  1. 1) Kimberly my aunt.
  2. 2) Those musicians very good.
  3. 3) These pens mine.
  4. 4) She late for the Yoga class.
  5. 5) James and Charles at home right now.
  6. 6) Ed and Mark the owners of this house.
  7. 7) We ready to leave.
  8. 8) These big problems for us.
  9. 9) Ruth and her child good swimmers.
  10. 10) The builders responsible for this.
  11. 11) Donald interested in my sister.
  12. 12) You the only one here.
  13. 13) They from Iceland.
  14. 14) That guy my friend.
  15. 15) Jason a medical student.
  16. 16) It a good idea.
  17. 17) Those people very kind with strangers.
  18. 18) The kid in the classroom.
  19. 19) Brian available tomorrow.
  20. 20) We the best team.
  21. 21) It cold outside.
  22. 22) I tired today.
  23. 23) Helen and her daughter at the library now.
  24. 24) You the winner of the competition.
  25. 25) This a good movie.
  26. 26) Julia and James doctors in this hospital.
  27. 27) I ready for the science test.
  28. 28) Jeff a good singer.
  29. 29) Steve the worst candidate.
  30. 30) I happy with the results.
  31. 31) Laura the youngest in the family.
  32. 32) Helen and I big fans of that band.
  33. 33) The children hungry now.
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